Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jamaat e(Islami) and Terrorism

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds,
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah dear brothers,
Sub: Jamaat e Islami and Terrorism
It is the duty of every Muslim to adhere to the right path and keep away from that which will provoke trouble where you live, and to call people to Allah with wisdom and beautiful preaching. Islam has spread through knowledge, justice and PEACE.
A Muslim can never be a threat to the common innocent people. In fact, a Muslim should be a source of peace for innocent people since Islam always stands for peace and consider anything which goes against it as the last resort of the religion e.g. war. Islam means, achieving peace by submitting one’s will to Allah, the Almighty God. It promotes peace and universal brotherhood among the people. Islam has very trenchant ideas for achieving this goal (peace and the universal brotherhood) through presenting an acceptable common term for the entire people in the world i.e.' There Is No One Worthy of Worship but Allah, the Almighty God Alone and No Partner and No Associate for Him'.
Islam never support racism, terrorism, colour discrimination, communal disharmony, violence, hostility etc and it is also not a religion to conquer the land to establish an Islamic state instead it conquering and purifying the heart of the people to prepare them for the life after death through the remembrance of Allah, the Almighty God. Islam stands for tolerance not for intolerance and shows willingness to recognize and respect the beliefs and practices of others without compromising its own beliefs and practices.
It is very unfortunate, some of the so called Muslims attacking the innocent people including Muslims all over the world? The Killing of innocent people is prohibited by Allah, the Almighty God. The Holy Qur’an says killing an innocent person is equal to kill all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind (Al-Ma'idah - 5:32). Then, how can a Muslim kill innocent human beings?
It is very relevant to note the action taken by the Saudi religious authority that banned some of the books on extremist ideology of Sayid Qutub and Maulana Maududi, the founder of Jamaat e Islami.
Due to their heretical writings and distorting of the basic tenets of Islam, some of the youths went to the destructing ideology of Khawareej, a deviated sect of early Muslims who had fought against the companions of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) These sorts of people are bigmouthed to establish hukumate ilahi, ruling of Allah in the world by removing the un-Islamic government. They even declared the Muslims who have been co operated with such countries were kafir/ apostate.
Dr. Bilal Philiphs has opined about Jammat e islami and Ihwaan in his website as“I have been accused of getting my Islaamic “tarbiyah” from the likes of Muhammad Qutub and Maududi, and that I encourage people on my website to read specific books of his! Subhaanallaah, how things can be distorted to fit the desires! I mentioned in an interview on how I accepted Islaam, twenty-eight years ago, that before I was Muslim I was involved in the university Communist movement. Then I read a book by Muhammad Qutb and another by Maududi, which heightened my interest about Islaam (as a NON MUSLIM). Does this mean I received my Islamic tarbiyah from them, or that I aid their minhaj and mistakes? This is indeed tahreef (distortion).
And for the record, I do not consider Maududi and Muhammad Qutb to be true scholars. I put the word scholars in quotes to stress this point. Though they are not scholars to be relied on for knowledge, as the scholars are alhamdulillaah available, many laymen consider them such.
In the beginning of the twentieth century movements and groups arose calling to the return of Islamic rule in Muslim lands and to the reformation of Muslim beliefs and practices. Among the political movements were those of Hasan al-Bannaa (d. 1949), founder of the Ikhwaan Muslimoon movement in Egypt and Sayyid, Abul-A’laa Mawdudi (1903-1979), founder of the Jama‘at Islami movement in India. Both of these movements called for the establishment of an Islamic state to replace the existing colonial or neo-colonial administrations. Consequently, they both came into conflict with the rulers of their areas. One of the members of the Ikhwaan, Jamaal ‘Abdun-Naasir, seized control of the government and systematically rounded up members of the movement and tortured and executed many of them in order to crush it. The Ikhwaan was then forced underground, and became a secret society which developed a structure similar to communist cells in order to continue to operate. Oaths of allegiance were required of all members and the call for Islamic State evolved into a recruitment drive for members. Many of them entered a dangerous realm, declaring the Muslim rulers disbelievers, due to the fact that they did not rule according to what Allaah revealed, and many others even called for revolt against the rulers, an action strictly prohibited by the Prophet (s). They neglected the rectification of issues of ‘aqeedah and others, deserving first priority, and made their focus the establishment of an Islaamic state. Very little efforts were made to correct beliefs and practices as collecting members became the chief priority. Controversial issues of beliefs and practices were seen as divisive and, as such, were deliberately avoided. Their members who fled to the West to avoid persecution and further their academic studies set up student organizations like F.O.S.I.S. and M.S.A. and I.S.N.A. through which members continued to be recruited.
Many from the Ikhwaan gave oaths of allegiance to Khomeini as the caliph. New offshoots from the Ikhwaan appeared under the names of Takfeer wal-Hijrah, Jamaa’atul-Jihaad, and al-Jamaa’ah al-Islaamiyyah with members prepared to seize power immediately. In these groups a philosophy of violence evolved which was justified by declaring all Muslim rulers to be disbelievers as well as all those who worked in state institutions… These failures are a result of their lack of focus on ‘aqeedah and their adopting a methodology which contradicts that of the Prophet (s) and his companions”
Following are from a debate with an adamant follower of maududi, with a fake email id; on Terrorist link of Jamaat e islami.
Virtually our self proclaimed yanbumuslim, the JIH activist has paralysed. What ever proof I have provided to him regarding the terrorist link of Jamaat e islami, he repeats the same phrase, where is proof, proof, proof!! SubahanaAllah!! What else we expect from a maududist other than repeating the same blunders. Let us have a final postmortem to the self proclaimed yanbu muslim, the unfortunate adamant activist of Jamaat e (islami) Kerala. He has frightfully frustrated and disappointingly unsuccessful in his attempts. But he has kept the general qualities of his comrades of Ji by accusing others are lying (he said:if you have proof....tell this this....proof this....(but it must be genuine).....otherwise i am not going reply anymore.......i dont want to listen lies and stories and media news from here and there) what this guy is expecting, Maududi followers only have to declare themselves that they became extremist and terrorist because of reading Maududi books?!! We provided him many proofs that most of the terrorists including Usama bin laden have had connection with the ideology of Jamaat e Islami or Ihwanul muslimun. Even this so called self proclaimed yanbumuslim do not dare to reveal his original name then how can we expect it from Usama Bin Laden. But Muslims have enough proofs from Jamaat e islami’s literatures which says that Usama bin laden, Kashmiri militants, Hizbul Mujahideen, SIMI etc is/was part of them. Insha’Allah, let us see who is lying and who is steadfast with the truth. I seek refuge with Allah from the whispering of both inns and Shaitaan. I seek refuge with Allah from misguiding others and misguided by myself
Before going to start the appraisal, esteemed readers should understand the fact that Abul A'ala Maududi has started with his first book, Holy War in Islam (1927) and he spread his revolutionary thoughts, heretical, aberrant ideas among the mass but it has been institutionalized only in 1942 through the formation of Jamaate Islami Hind. From then, his deviated ideology has been spread as an institutional or organized manner through the channels of Jamaat e Islami in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc. There is no difference between any Jamaat e Islami organizations whether it is from Kerala, India, Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh etc since all these groups are inspired and indoctrinated from the ideology of Maududi. From this perspective, we have to analyse his question (can you show me single proof as any person who became terrorist by reading only maududi books and his words)
He said: what proof have given to me.......first you told interview of farook maududi of pakistan...i showed you complete interview..that he was not against supporting maududi....but he is against jamhet........against jamhet was not my subject....there is also reason for that.
Yanbu muslim is trying to present here that Farook Maududi is not against his great father maududi but he is against Pak Jamaat e Islami. Dear Ji activist yanbu, am I said anywhere contrary to this?!! What are you trying to say here? Readers are not like you in these group but they are sensible and could easily understand your blunders. Let me make it simpler to understand for you.
Proof 1.Was Farook Maududi’s accusation against JEI PAK a fabricated one? If it is not a fabricated then, you have to admit Pakistan JEI is supporting the terrorist of Kashmir and Afganistan as farook Maududi alleged. (in an interview Farooq Maududi accused that presently the situation is such that Jamaat receives Rs. 60,000/- for every militant killed in Kashmir out this, only 15,000-20,000/- are being given to the families of the martyrs, while as the remaining amount is eaten up by the JEI leaders themselves who have opened a factory of martyrs. JEI leaders have made money by getting others children killed. As far as they themselves are concerned, no son of Qazi Hussain Ahmad was killed either in Afghanistan or Kashmiri, 'Jihad' and his children are leading a luxurious life while studying in the United States.)
Proof 2. Jamaat e islami (Kerala)’s publication, Prabodanam also certify the relation between jamaat and Kashmir Militant.
Prabodhanam’s 50th annual edition writes about Kashmir Jamaat e Islami that jamaat e islami has achieved very strong influence in the valley of Kashmir since the extremism has reached in the supremacy in the valley. Hizbul Mujaahideen, the most powerful extremist group in the Kashmir is a friendlier of Jamaat e islami. Apart from this Jamaat e Islami has formed a group called “ Allahu Tigers”. Jamaat e islami also worked as an intermediary between many extremist groups to strengthen them through unification. In the political arena, jamaat e Islami started a coalition front, Tehrike Huryathe Kashmir (Kashmir liberation front), by joining 13 different parties together and the largest party among them is Jamaat e islami. The chairman of Mutahida Jihaad council, a combined organization of all Militias/ forces, was an adamant leader of Jamaat e islami.
Proof 3. JEI Pakistan is supporting the Kashmir militant and Talibaan, the proof has quoted from the official website of Pakistan Jamaat e Islami.
Syed Munawar Hasan, the chief of Pakistan Jamaat e islami, declared that the era of the US was over as it was facing a humiliating defeat in Afghanistan. He said that the real threat to Pakistan came from Americanisation and Altafization, and not Talibanisation. The Azad Kashmir JI chief Abdur Rashid Turabi, Hurriat leader Ghulam Muhamamd Safi and other JI leaders also addressed the rally. Earlier, the participants of the rally formed a human chain with their hands to express their solidarity with the Kashmiris fighting for liberation from Indian hold. As Farook Maududi accused JEI Pak is supporting the Kashmir militant with money, manpower, militia etc.
Proof 4. In a face to face interview, Munavar Hassan, the chief of Pakistan jamaat e islami, categorically said that the best Hukum in this world is the Hukum of Talibaan He is a supporter of talibanisation and as Farook Maududi accused, JEI of Pakistan is supplying money, man power, militant etc to talibaan for the so called Talibanisation.
Proof 5. Jamaat e islami (kerala)’s publication, Islamic Publishing House certify that Usama Bin Laden is a Ihwaani.
Usama bin Laden, the leader of terrorist network of Al Qaeda is the best example of Jamaat e Islami’s link with Terrorist and it is established by Jamaat e (islami) through their publication, IPH’s Islamic encyclopedia, 7th volume, page no. 60. Dear yanbumuslim, if you have any doubts on this content check the same heavy book. Or ask any learned Jamaat e islami activist. You even shame for JI.
Proof 6. Saudi Arabia removes extremist literature/ Books
Nov 28, 2008
By Abdul Rahman Shaeen, Correspondent
Riyadh: In the latest drive to combat terrorism and extremism, the Saudi Arabian authorities have started removing offensive books from all school libraries. The Ministry of Education, keen to protect the younger generation from deviant ideology, issued orders banning a number of controversial books containing extremist ideas. They include two controversial books - The lies about Sayyid Qutb and The Jihad in the way of God.
Several leading Saudi academics and thinkers hailed the ministry's decision, describing this as manifestation of their firm determination to remove all sources of ideological and religious extremism, to protect youths, easily lured into terror networks. Dear yanbumuslim if you find these offensive books with deviant ideology as Saudi Arabian authority said, please inform the concerned that would help them to take quick action otherwise it would influence the poor, innocent school children. They already suffered lot by Usama bin Laden etc
Proof 7. Some media highlights; Watch the terrorist attack of Dr usman of Pak jamat e islami at
Proof 8. SIMI was a student wing of Indian Jamaat e (islami) and they have been trying to adhere and implement the ideology of Maududi in India. The Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), proscribed under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967, was an outfit of jamaat e (islami) and both these organizations are still depended on Maududi’s books and thoughts
Proof 9. The masterminds of NDF of Kerala are former SIMI cadres. It is widely known that several organisations in India are allegedly controlled by former SIMI cadres. Prominent among them are the Kerala-based National Democratic Front i.e. NDF. Jamaat e (islami) also admits this fact.
So dear self proclaimed yanbu muslim Ji activist, it is very clear that Pakistan jamaat e islami, Kashmir Jamaat e islami and the Indian Jamaat e (islami) are still dependent, have faith and confidence in Maududi and his literatures. Otherwise you have to bring proof on which aspects of these same named, umbrella organizations and ‘bearers of Maududi ideology’ are differed?
The conflicts between pragmatic maududism and ideological maududism have developed lot of discrepancy among the followers of Jamaat e Islami all over the world. Due to this reason, you might have seen among the followers of Maududi with individual ideology and with institutional ideology. Qazi hussain, the Ameer of Pak JEI, Arif Ali, Ameer of Kerala Ji, Maulana Motiur Rahman Nizami, Ameer of Bangladesh, Syed Jalal Uddin Umeri, ameer of India are belongs to institutional and pragmatic maududism meanwhile SIMI, Leshkare thoyiba, Al Qaita, Indian Mujahideen etc are belongs to the ideological maududism.
People those surrendered their brain like self proclaimed yanbumuslim etc would say that Pakistan jamaat e islami is not adhering the ideology of maududi. But the same time he has admitted that Jamaat e Islami of Pakistan distributing money, manpower, militant to Indian Kashmir as the allegation made by Farook Maududi. Then, why don’t you consider O Abdullah’s allegations on Jamaat e (islami) Kerala with the same manner?!! These two persons are individuals and individual ideology of “maududi Islam” has been dispelled from institutional maududism like jamaat e (islami) of Kerala had dispelled O Abdullah and ideological Maududists, SIMI by JIH. If you ask to O Abdullah about the present Jamaat e (islami) of Kerala, he definitely would say as Farooq Maududi said on Pak JEI, that these people, Sideeq Hassan, Arif Ali, shaik Mohd Karakunnu of JI Kerala etc are the shadow of “Jamaat’ founded by Maududi. You may say it is only the “policy changes” from ideological maududi to pragmatic maududism. For example, Maulana Maududi said democracy, secularism, voting etc are Shirk but due to the pragmatic approach, learned from Thihaar Jail and taught by RSS during the time of emergency in India, declared by Indira Ghandi, now Jamaat e (islami) Hind consider voting is an ibaadha and democracy is the best system in the world. But if you ask a common SIMI activist about this interpretation of Maududi they would say that this “Jamaat” is not the party founded by our leader Maulana Maududi. Alas!! When I was discussing with my colleague, an adamant Pakistan Jamaat e Islami about the “policy changes” of Jamaat e (islami) Hind, he annoyed and criticized that this people are committing shirk and following Kufar. But when I asked about the opinion of Farook Maududi about Pak JEI, he refuted him by saying that they even build up the tomb of Maududi in their residence. Allah knows best
I warn you, myself and others herewith naseeha that we have to return back to the pristine Islam. The Salafi Da'wah is that of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It is the Religion of Islam - pure and free from any additions, deletions or alterations. It is to adhere to the Path of the Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and of the true believers (as-Salaf us-Salih). As-Salaf is a collective term referring to the Pious Pioneers in Islam and all those who follow in their footsteps in belief, actions and morals. This methodology/ manhaj are to be followed by all Muslims including the Muslims who have been part of contemporary Madhabee system. But the deviants of Islam, mutazilia, Khawareej, shia etc were not accepted this manhaj rather they used their so called brain/ intellectual and hence, refused to accept the teaching of Qurán and hadith. The salafi Dawa urges Muslim to return their affairs to Qurán and Sunna which is absolutely based on the understanding and interpretation of our pious predecessors, the companions of beloved prophet salallahu wa alyhi wasalam .
May Allah include us among the blessed and help us to steadfast firmly in His religion and strengthen us with wisdom and useful knowledge. Aameen
With prayers for the peaceful life here and the hereafter

Barakallah feek


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love Jihad and media propaganda against Islam

All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
Assalamu alaikum, May peace be upon you,
Sub: Love Jihad and media propaganda against Islam
Enemies of Islam have been trying to defame this true religion of Allah, the Almighty God since its beginning. Nowadays they foul-mouthed to malign the pure term of Jihaad in Islam with an ill-gotten intentions to label the prohibited act of flirting with Kufaar/ disbelieving woman by some name sake Muslims as ‘love jihad’ in Kerala. According to them, these so called Muslim youths are deliberately falling in love with Hindu girls to convert them to Islam and so, they called it as ‘love Jihaad’.
It is obligatory upon every Muslim to love Jihad because, to strive and struggle in the cause of Allah is Jihaad in Islam and so, to strive and struggle against the own evil thoughts, whims are also Jihaad in Islam. But it is not the idiotic utterance of the prohibited act of love affair with a girl before marriage. Even Muslims are not permitted to love/ romance with a girl from Muslim community before marriage then how a judge from the high court of Kerala could name this love affair with a Hindu, polytheist/ idol worshipper as love Jihaad?!! It shows even some of the people from Judiciary are fascist minded and fanatic. Alas!!!!!!! A monotheist believer i.e. Muslim, are not allowed to marry a polytheist/idol worshipper (Hindu etc) according to Islam. urthermore, this dirty venom and exaggerate news of illegitimate terminology “love Jihad” taken up by some of the fascist propaganda "news papers" to defame Islam and Muslims. Are these crooked minded people resting in the heaven of buffoons to believe that this anti Islam propaganda would damage to the fame of Islam, the true religion of Almighty God?!!
It is not the first time Islam faces irrelevant criticism from its enemies as well as people who do not know anything about Islam. Islam, the religion of Allah, the Almighty God never stands or encourages anti social elements and hence, it remains as an only practical solution for the entire problems of the world. Because of this reason, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and so, many people embracing Islam especially in America and Western Europe. Author Samuel Huntington predicts that "Muslims in the world will continue to increase dramatically, amounting to 20 percent of the world's population about the turn of the [21st] century, surpassing the number of Christians some years later..." If Islam, the religion of Almighty God promotes the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute, why do these people accepting Islam? Because, people finding peace and confidence by believing in Allah, the One and Only God through denying all human gods and goddess.
And say: "Truth (i.e. Islamic Monotheism or this Qur'ân) has come and falsehood (i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
The simplicity of Islam and its appeal both to reason and to the heart accounts for its tremendous appeal. With teachings about God, human responsibility and the life hereafter which are very similar to those of Judaism and Christianity, it insists on the necessity of living a pure, God-centred life following the natural dictates of a balanced mind and conscience, following the guidance transmitted through the last prophet of God, Muhammad (peace be upon him). It honours the previous great prophets of the Bible, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and many others (may peace be upon them all), and also reiterates the belief of early Christian communities concerning the prophetic mission of Jesus (may peace be upon him), ascribing divinity to the Creator alone.
A Muslim (one who submitted his will to Allah, the Almighty God) should not follow the speculations and rumors. As we know many news are based on hypothesis and speculations. Majority of our Medias are interested in sensational news. Unfortunately, nowadays some people have accepted a method to obtain famous or to sell his/her books more in market by writing blasphemy on Islam. Medias are giving very much importance for this peace of writings and hence, trying to malign Islam.
In fact Islam, in terms of its beliefs and practices, is a threat to all capitalistic countries as well others since Islam strictly prohibiting flesh trading of woman, prostitution, drugs, adultery, lesbian, gay, homosexual, lottery, alcohol, abortion, interest/usury etc which is one of the inevitable features of every capitalistic country. They gradually realized this fact that if people accept Islam it will be a threat for their existence and hence, trying to tarnish Islam through their media as a terrorist religion. Through this sort of propaganda they are trying to create a misconception about Islam to prevent people from accepting it. But they can not put off the light of this true religion as Allah says in Quran:
Wherewith Allâh guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to a Straight Way (Islamic Monotheism). (Al-Ma'idah 5:16)
With the prayers for the peaceful life here and the hereafter
Mammedutty Nilambur

Friday, October 31, 2008


Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Sub: Who is he?
It is absolutely irrelevant to club salafi ideology with Bin laden. Bin laden doesn't have salafi methodology instead he was a student as well as a follower of Mohd Qutub, Brother of Sayed Qutub, one of former leaders of Muslim brotherhood, a brotherly organisation of Jamaate Islami. Even it was very clearly explained in JIH’s one of the book series ‘Islamic Encyclopaedia’ (Islamic Vikzhanakosham) 7th volume, page number 60. But, deceptions are being considered as part of their life and the ideology itself built upon this falsehood, now JIH’s leaders and activists are trying to conceal their relation with Bin Laden. Even the so called shura member of JIH, Shaik Mohammed Karakunnu, who worked behind the same book, now bigmouthed to people to say a bitter lie that Bin Laden is a Salafi (in a speech at Payanoor, Kannur, he said that salafees are the Terrorist and Bin laden is a Salafi, in contrary to his previous claim in his book that Bin Laden is a well known Ihwani) and the so called believers of JIH, as they already surrendered their brain to Ameer and Shura members (it is the minimum requisite for their party membership), uttering this falsehood repeatedly.
And say: "Truth has come and Bâtil (falsehood) has vanished. Surely! Bâtil is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
It is regret to say that many people do not know anything about Salafi creed and methodology. Salafi scholars in the Saudi have been strongly criticised the act of terrorism and suicide bombing and hence, terrorists have even been attacking to disturb the stability of the Saudi govt. If Saudi's salafis are giving support to Bin Laden's Al Quida terrorist group, why do these terrorists attacking the Saudi? I request the readers to study and evaluate the role of Sayeed Qutub and Abul Ahla Maududi in spreading extremism among the Muslims all over the world through their deviant pseudo writings.
The recent development in the interpretation of 'Global terrorism' by some western intellectuals is an insight for all the people in general and Muslims in particular. According to them, it was a global network before but after the bombings in Briton now they were realised that it is not a network instead it is based on an evil ideology which is inspired from the books of modern Islamic (?) writer Zayed Qutub, one of the leader of Ihwanul Muslim (Muslim Brotherhood) in Egypt who was a real proponent of Abul Ahla Moududi, the founder of Jamaate Islami.
Zayed Qutub was hanged to death and consequently, the leaders of Muslim brotherhood fled to Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. The then rulers of Saudi were given shelter for these leaders. Mohd Qutub, brother of Zayed Qutub was the one renowned personality among them and he was posted as lecture of one of the institutes in Saudi. But he never changed his ideology of Muslim brotherhood and hence, produced a number of extremist among the Muslims. One of the greatest products of him is Usama Bin Laden. In fact; there is no much difference in the ideology of Muslim brotherhood and the Jamaate Islami.
So please do not misunderstand that salafis and Qutubs/Maududis having the same methodology while understanding and practicing Quran and Sunna in their day to day life. Salafis have been adhering strictly the Quran and Sunna with the Manhaj (methodology) of the pious predecessors. They are not like Muslim brotherhood or Jamaate Islami instead they inviting people to Islam primarily with highlighting the principles of Monotheism (Thouhid) as well as its ever existing values irrespective of changing world and society.
They (the disbelievers, the Jews and the Christians) want to extinguish Allâh's light (with which Muhammad SAW has been sent - Islâmic Monotheism) with their mouths, but Allâh will not allow except that His light should be perfected even though the Kâfirûn (disbelievers) hate (it). (At-Tawbah 9:32)

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Satanic dominance in Cinema & Acting

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds
Peace and blessing of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed
In the name of Allah the most beneficent, most merciful
O you who believe! Enter perfectly in Islam (by obeying all the rules and regulations of the religion) and follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (satan). Verily! He is to you a plain enemy (Al-Baqarah - 2:208)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
Sub: Beware of shaitaan/ satan as he is the prime enemy of mankind
The present scenario of the so called ‘worldly changes’ even severely affected to some Muslims and so, they have so badly been trying to cope up with the phenomena of worldly changes beyond any time limit or even without any boundary. There is a general tendency among the people to reconsider and do necessary modifications in their way of life as well as the way of thinking. Most of the people are enthusiastically after the beautification of desires, glamorization of trends, new Look, fashions, colorful life style, and modernization in appearance or behavior. And hence, the urge or the profound religious impulses to do righteous deeds and get more close to Allah with virtue and piousness (Taqwa) are overlooked or ignored by the overwhelming influence of Iblees/satan (may curse be upon him) and his soldiers. Unfortunately there are ‘some’ so called Muslims also desperately trying to adopt these abrupt changes, developments, innovations in their every sphere of life without much adequate perspective of Islam. They believe Muslims also go with hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder along with the so called advancement of Media, Technology etc. The forces of evil have taken these opportunities to even mislead the Muslims from the straight path. Beware of Shaitaan since he is the prime enemy of mankind as Allah says: "Get down, one of you an enemy to the other [i.e. Adam, Hawwa (Eve), and Shaitân (satan), etc.]. On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment, - for a time." (Al-A'raf 7:24)
Regret to say that people those who are bigmouthed on the imperial invasion of America on Muslim countries are completely conquered by the cultural invasion of America and the West. Their insincerity and hypocrisy towards the America and her occupation unveiled as most of them find livelihood by working in the companies of America and other western countries. They also accepted the culture of Americans by adopting the imperial beard (French beard or clean shaven), imported road march, solidarity with atheist, pagans, cinema, acting etc. Even the ‘culture of the west’ has established an imperial colony in their house, heart, dress, appearance etc.
When the Ihwanees, jamaat e islami etc lost their ideological importance and the influence on the people they forced to adopt some modern approach to maintain their existence. The abrupt changes of Jamaat e islami both ideologically and pragmatically have been forced them to act as an ultra secularist party in Kerala. But fortunately, the existing highly social awareness among the majority of the people of Kerala, JIH’s excessive pretention to keep ‘solidarity’ with the so called Tagooti institutions(?), social services, social issues etc could reveal their unending struggles to remove the already damaged image of JIH.
Mass Media
Due to having the striking nature on the viewers and audience, visual media especially Cinema, TV etc have dominance or the power to defeat over the mind and heart of the common people. In fact, people have been addicted to these mass communications. Some of the opportunists have taken these chances to spread their heretical pseudo thought, ideology, modern out look, progressive trends etc by producing, distributing Cinema, the artificial portrayal of human characters, repulsively in the banner of Islam as named ‘Islamic Cinema’.
Those who fear Allah and His wrath should understand the difference between documentary and Cinema as some of the ‘modernist’ often mixing these two terms to mislead the Muslims.
Documentary: it is a visual program presenting the facts and information about a person or event by emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretations. It is absolutely deals with the realistic things.
It is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound, Music and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. Some modernist Muslims are trying to classify Cinema as conventional Cinema and contemporary Cinema at present. In fact, there are no such classifications for cinema but those who want to justify the devil may care acts of their organization are desperately trying to glorify cinema as a Medium. The only motive behind the creation/ production of a cinema is profit oriented and hence, it advancing more vulnerably in promoting violence, sex, hostility, mockery, romance, sexual arousal, suicidal impulses etc. It gives an opening or providing means of access for the sin and the forces of evil getting very comfortably some footsteps into. Allah says follow not the footsteps of Shaitân (satan). Verily, he is to you an open enemy. (Al-Baqarah 2:168)
Some people have been completely addicted to this cinema craze and even they are considering some of the film stars as deity and so, building temples for their favourate actors or actress to place their statue to worship them as God. Unfortunately, these so called film stars reached in a position to decide the political power of the state and even the day to day functioning of the social life. Due to the devastating influence of Shaitaaniyat of cinema and acting, the so called fans of film stars even committing suicide for the sake of their ‘film star deity’. It is seen very common in Thamilnadu and some other state of India. Majority of the people are in this states have been affected with this ‘Cinema mania’ like epilepsy. The prime enemy of mankind shaitaan/Iblees (curse be upon him) has taken pledge to Allah that he will deviate people from worshiping Him alone by associating partners with Him. Satan has achieved this goal through the so called ‘Medium of Cinema’ by turning many people to ‘film star worshipping’. The most reprehensibly, the Cinema and acting are getting so charismatic and high popularity even among some of the so called Muslims nowadays. Let us seek refuge in Allah.
Those who are producing cinema with a name of Islamic Cinema (?) also do not free from presenting it with exaggeration. Due to the exotic nature of cinema, mixing up the realistic character of a person in a more unrealistic manner and hence, produce artificial individual characters, events, scenes, relations, situations etc. It is not a great thing to glorify but it is absolutely a way for following the order of Satan by changing the personality of the actor and his nature to the character of a different person as usually seen in Cinema and acting. Qur’an says as shaitaan said;
Verily, I will mislead them, and surely, I will arouse in them false desires; and certainly, I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allâh." And whoever takes Shaitân (satan) as a Walî (protector or helper) instead of Allâh, has surely suffered a manifest loss. An-Nisa - 4:119
Those who can pretend more effectively to convert a particular role of character in more artistic way will be considered as a good actor. A God fearing Muslim should not be an actor since he has to live always with the remembrance of Allah without hypocrisy or pretention or acting instead he/she has to live as an obedient slave of Allah in more realistically and naturally in this world as a traveler to go anytime to the eternal world as a response to the call of Allah. May Allah help us to die as a pious, righteous, God conscious Muslim. Aameen
Does an end justify its means?!
In Islam, to achieve certain objectives its approach also must accordance with the teaching of Islam. Islam is not a religion to justify its followers for their any act even they called it as Islamic. So the means used to acquire certain goals whether it is in religion or Dunniya must be based on the teaching of Qur’an and the beloved prophet (peace be upon him). Both the mankind and the Jinn is an intelligent creation of Allah with a free will to choose his way of life. But the great enemy of mankind, Shaytaan (curse be upon him) and his companions had taken strong oath to mislead people from straight path. So, they also will try to find out new methods to fulfill his goal to lead people to eternal disaster i.e. hellfire. Allâh cursed him. And he [Shaitân (satan)] said: "I will take an appointed portion of your slaves; (An-Nisa 4:118) He has been developing new way of distorting Islamic teachings and hence, gradually deviating the Muslims from the remembrance of Allah. For this purpose Shaitaan has given a term for Muslims as ‘ISLAMIC’ as a misnomer to call the so called developments and progressiveness of the contemporary world. He [Shaitan (satan)] makes promises to them, and arouses in them false desires; and Shaitan's (Satan) promises are nothing but deceptions. (An-Nisa 4:120)
Islamic Dating:
Dating, the so called pre marriage relation of a boy and a girl by leaving the house to go somewhere is become so common in the developed (?) world. With the influence of Mass Media like Cinema, TV, the flirting, the Playful behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest between man and women are getting an easygoing attitude among even Muslims. It is one of the tricks of Shaitaan as he beautifies this FLIRTING as a natural feeling of human being. Even there are many websites giving opportunity for friendship between boys & girls as named as ‘ISLAMIC DATING’. Do this mingling of opposite sex, with an Islamic banner, permissible in Islam?!! Never. No God fearing Muslims could justify this ‘Shaitaaniyat’ even some of them later turned to the legal wedding knots after dating.
Islamic Swimming Suit:
Islam is the only religion strictly prohibited both man and woman from displaying their private parts open or exposed in public. There are stringent conditions in Islam both for man and women while appearing in public. He / she has to keep the modesty and should down their gaze. The girls and matured women should wear Hijab to guard their modesty and honorableness. So, Shaitaan and his companions have been trying to bring the respectable Muslim women into his path and now he has succeeded in this venture by introducing the so called ‘Islamic Swimming Suit’. He is whispering to Muslimah (Muslim woman) that there is no harm to swim in beach or public swimming pool if you wear an ‘Islamic Swimming Suit’. I seek refuge in Allah from the whispering of the Shaytaan and man. The same Shitaan had whispered to our forefather & mother as Qur’an says Then Shaitân (satan) whispered suggestions to them both in order to uncover that which was hidden from them of their private parts (before); he said: "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals." (Al-A'raf 7:20) Does this ‘Shaytaaniyat’ permissible in Islam even if you call it Islamic Swimming Suit?! Never. No God fearing Muslims could justify this Shaytaaniyat even woman gets exercise, fitness and have good (?) leisure time from swimming.
Islamic Cinema:
A Muslim has to keep and behave according to his conscious mind since it is an alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation. He must try to overcome the influence of sub conscious mind as it is a Psychic activity just below the level of awareness. In a state of conscious mind he always will be remembering his creator and the objective of his creation and so, he/she will be thankful to his creator, the Almighty. A Muslim cannot prefer being a state where he / she is away from the awareness of Allah. Verily, those who are Al-Muttaqûn (the pious), when an evil thought comes to them from Shaitân (satan), they remember (Allâh), and (indeed) they then see (aright). (Al-A'raf 7:201)
Acting is considered as the heart and soul of Cinema. In acting, an actor suppresses his personality in order to reveal the actions and motivations of the character for particular moments in time. The actor is said to be "assuming the role" of another, usually for the benefit of an audience, but also because it can bring one a sense of artistic satisfaction. Actors were traditionally not people of high status, and in the Early Middle Ages actors were often viewed with distrust. In many parts of Europe, actors could not even receive a Christian burial, and any actor forever condemned. However, this negative perception was largely reversed in the 19th and 20th centuries as acting has become an honored and popular profession and art and the resulting rise of the movie star — as regards both their social status and the salaries they command. The combination of public presence and wealth has profoundly rehabilitated their image (?).
In the past, only men could become actors in some societies. In the ancient Greece and Rome and the medieval world, it was considered disgraceful for a woman to go on the stage, and this belief continued right up until the 17th century. In the time of William Shakespeare, women's roles were generally played by men or boys. The British prohibition was ended in the reign of Charles II who enjoyed watching female actors (actresses) on stage. But, with the highest level of condemnation on the so called Muslims who are working behind the Cinema, acting, TV Serials, reality show etc, at present trying to bring the women and girls into the public screen. Such name sake Muslims are repulsively worse than ‘Charles II’ since these so called Maulavees, their followers and their organizations are not only bringing them to public but also arrogantly and recklessly distorting verses of Qur’an and the teaching of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) as a proof for this satanic act. Those Scholars and Moulavees conveniently keeping mum by seeing the devil may care acts of their followers, organisations etc, merely for the sake of their organisation, are also would share the responsibility (may be more) of this Shaitaaniyath which may cause destructing cultural tsunami among the Muslim community. Allah says about such people in Qur’an in Al-A'raf 7:175- 176 And recite (O Muhammad SAW) to them the story of him to whom We gave Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), but he threw them away, so Shaitân (Satan) followed him up, and he became of those who went astray.
And had We willed, We would surely have elevated him therewith but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his description is the description of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the description of the people who reject Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect.
Due to their Hizbiyaa towards the organization, leaders and so and so, they are deviating from the principle of Islam and adopting the satanic slogan of “Enemies of my enemy is my friends” and so, they even dare to give interviews, complimentary fatwa, pleasing answers etc in favour of some distressing name sake Muslims(?) of grave worshippers.
Shaitaan couldn’t happy with the progress of his anti Islam work and he discovered some more destructing techniques to stop the propagation of Islam. He whispered to some people that all organizations which even strive in the cause of Allah and for the overall betterment of Muslim community are Bidah and those who are trying to defend Islam and its teaching from the innovators, Deviants, Atheist, Pagans, Idolaters etc are working against ‘Manhaju salaf’ since they are not scholars nor student of knowledge. He finds it is also a wonderful tool to make chaos and confusion among the God fearing Muslims and hence, could keep them as impotent even against the evils of the society.
Even there was a period or still at present majority of Muslims in Kerala, have been considering Cinema, drama, acting etc as a disgraceful profession. Even when the so called Jamat e Islami of Hind decided to vote first time in the history of Indian politics they had given their first ‘Thouhidi vote (?)’ for Lal Krishna Advani of BJP against Rajeshkana of Congress. They were clarified the natural doubts of people by saying “Rajeshkana was an actor and it is loathsome and against the principle of Islam” but when after a long while they voted again to KT Kunchimohd, a film director & a communist, against Abdu Samad Samadani of Muslim League. They again cleared the doubts (?) by saying that they were considering the ‘value oriented vote’ ('moolyaadhistitha raashtreeyam'). People puzzled since they could not understand the ‘Moolyam’(esteem) of KT Kunchimohd than Samadani.
As an inevitable turnout of unpractical ideology bearers, now JIH and its activist acting, directing, distributing, producing Cinema with a name ‘Islamic Cinema’ if you ask them where is Islam in it?! They will say its name is Islamic as our organization Jamat e (Islami) Hind. Some of the self proclaimed Mujahid under the banner of ‘NMK’ (Naduvathul Mujahideen Kerala) also getting into significant progress in the field of Cinema and acting and moreover demoralising the symbol of Islam, scholars, Jinn etc mahadaAllah. It shows that the Shaytaan (may Allah curse him) has gone further by beautifying some of the Muslims’ desires and so, they are under the impression that they are considered to be among the intellectual, progressive, modernist, creative person etc. Does this ‘Shaytaaniyat’ permissible in Islam even if you call it as Islamic Cinema since it is employed with mingling of man and woman, get involved or mixed-up with ‘pleasure seekers’ and out of wedlock and illegitimately man and woman pretending to be husband and wife, brother and sister?! Let us seek refuge in Allah. As Shaitaan rightly said about these people; indeed I will order them to change the nature created by Allâh An-Nisa - 4:119. Never. No God fearing Muslims could justifies this ‘Shaytaaniyat’ even some Muslims get Job, Money, entertainment, fun, pleasure, fame, glamour from Cinema and acting. Shaytaan has achieved very highness in his goal as he could bring some of the film stars into the so called Ramadan programs and Iftar parties as anchors, presenters, sponsors, invitee etc
And surely, We have created many of the jinns and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth). They are like cattle, nay even more astray; those! They are the heedless ones. (Al-A'raf 7:179)
The term ‘Islamic’ used as a Misnomer
And say: "Truth (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism or this Qur'ân or Jihâd against polytheists) has come and Bâtil (falsehood, i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Bâtil is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
In the contemporary world the term ‘Islamic’ has been misused largely with an irrational but irresistible motive for defaming Islam and the teaching of Qur’an and the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) but the greatest enemy of mankind Iblees/Shaytaan and his companions, soldiers tactically used this unfortunate situation to glorify all evils or the gateway of sin in devastatingly as attractive to the people. Regrettably some of the so called Muslims also followed the footsteps of Satan in this regard. Knowingly or unknowingly they also called it as ‘Islamic’ for example; Islamic feminism, Islamic Fashion Show, Islamic Celebrity, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic Bombing, Islamic Night Club, Islamic Beer parlour, Islamic Publishing House, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Republic of Iran etc. In fact, Islam has no relation with these types of Shaitaaniyat instead it deny the anti Islam slogan of some name sake Muslims “The end justify its means”
O Children of Adam! Let not Shaitân (satan) deceive you, as he got your parents [Adam and Hawwa (Eve)] out of Paradise, stripping them of their raiments, to show them their private parts. Verily, he and Qabîluhu (his soldiers from the jinns or his tribe) see you from where you cannot see them. Verily, We made the Shayâtin (devils) Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers) for those who believe not. (Al-A'raf 7:27)
Wa Akhir Da’vana Anil hamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen
With prayers for the peaceful life here and in the hereafter
Mammedutty Nilambur
Visit me @

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Beard doesn’t harm

Asaalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be upon you all,
Sub: Does a beard harm people?!!!
It is distressful that some people are getting annoyed after seeing a Muslim with long beard. The Media has set the mind of these people so rigid to think that the long beard is a symbol of a terrorist. Alas!! Does a beard can harm people?!! A Muslim with a long beard always inspected with extra care. Why? Is it possible to make a bomb with beard? Or were those who rained bombs in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine bearded people? The most notorious dictators in the history of the world were beardless. Sikhs are widely enjoying this individual/religious right without facing any questions.
The long beard of a scientist often considered as a symbol of his intellectual orientation, as well as pastor with a beard is seen as a pious person etc. It is nothing but people's prejudiced and hatred mind towards Muslims and Islam.
Media propaganda
Islam, in terms of its beliefs and practices, is a threat to all capitalistic countries since Islam strictly prohibits prostitution, drugs, adultery, lesbian, homosexual, lottery, alcohol, abortion, interest etc which is one of the inevitable features of every capitalistic country. They gradually realised this fact that if people accept Islam it will be a threat for their existence and hence, trying to tarnish Islam through their media as a terrorist religion. Through this sort of propaganda they are trying to create misconception about Islam to prevent people from accepting it. But they can not put off the light of this true religion as Allah says in Qur'an:
And say: "Truth (i.e. Islamic Monotheism or this Qur'ân) has come and falsehood (i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
I am not overlooking the reality that some sects among the Muslims are responsible to spread extremism in the world and they have led to the birth of destructive political movements, as well as promoting un-Islamic revolutionary modes of thought among the Muslims. Those who criticise Islam, often doing it at the cost of anti social activities and unIslamic practices of some name sake Muslims but in reality We Muslims never blame the religion when Hindus, Christians, Jews, or Sikhs do any wrong. It is despicable to call a terrorist who bears a name of Muslim as ‘Islamic terrorist’. We Muslims do not call Hitler a Christian terrorist even as he was a Christian and killed millions of Jews. We do not call the Americans who put atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed millions of innocent people ‘Christian terrorists’, even as the men who bombed were Christians by religion. We do not call anyone a Hindu terrorist even when some of them have killed innocent Christians and Muslims in India during riots etc. So, why this tag on Muslims?
So, before blaming a religion we must see the authentic source of that particular religion instead of looking to the activities of its followers. The authentic sources of Islam are the Holy Qur'an and the Sunna of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).
Quran says:” Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful admonition, and argue with them in ways that are better." [Sooratun-Nahl 16:125]
With the prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after
Mammedutty Nilambur

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"Greeting with Salaam (Peace); should be discouraged or promoted?"

Assalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on all of you,
Sub: "Greeting with Salaam (Peace); should be discouraged or promoted?"
It is a general practice among people to express greetings upon meeting someone or wish each other. Wishing is a specific expression of feeling of someone who exchanges it according to the demand of the situation. In short, any wish, greeting or salutation should be done according to the specific circumstances.
React to in a certain way always depend upon the way of thought and principles of life of the person. Some greetings or salutations are not fit for every situation as per the logic. For example good morning, good after noon etc is not suitable for people who suffering by the loss of wealth, health or beloved one.
But the greeting of Islam, 'assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you', without question and beyond doubt suit for any situation nevertheless of time, loss, troubles, casualty, happiness, stress, tension, anxiety etc. Because of this reason we Muslims greet people with this extraordinary salutation "ASSALAMU ALAIKUM- May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on you"
Greeting of Jesus (peace be upon him) according to Bible
It is not only a practice of Muslims but also was a practice of Jesus (peace be upon him) who greeted his disciples with "Shalom Aleichem" in Hebrew- peace be with you, quite similar in Arabic as Assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you. This same greeting of Islam can be seen in John 20:21 (New International Version) Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
It is also stated that one should give the Salaam greeting upon entering a house, even if the house is empty. This is based upon the verse of the Qur'an (al-Noor 24:61) "But when you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from Allaah (i.e. say: As‑Salaamu ‘Alaykum — peace be on you), blessed and good." and similar verses you can see in Bible, Luke 10:5,6 (New International Version) "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house. If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. But unfortunately, the so called followers of Jesus Christ, Christians, given up this practice as they gave up many practices like circumcision (Luke 2:21), prohibition of taking interest/Usury (Exodus 22:25 ), eating Pork (Leviticus 11:6-8), keeping beard (Leviticus 19:27) etc
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made spreading salaam a part of faith, Al-Bukhaari (12, 28 and 6236). Ibn Hibbaan (505) narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar that a man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “What is the best thing in Islam?” He said, “Feeding others and giving the greeting of salaam to those whom you know and those whom you do not know.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained that this salaam spreads love and brotherhood. Muslim (54), Ahmad (2/391), and al-Tirmidhi (2513) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you about something which, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves.”
So my brothers and Sisters in humanity, you should not either hesitate or discourage people from greeting Salaam "ASSALAMU ALAIKUM" but should promote it as Prophets Mohammed, Jesus (peace be upon them) has done by giving a better reply "wa alaikum al salaam wa rahmadullahi wa barakaathuhu - be on you the peace, mercy and blessing of Allah, the Almighty God".
Mammedutty Nilambur

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"Dialectical Maududism"

Assalamu alaikum,
I have been receiving lot of mails from some Jama'at Islami activists regarding their stand on Islam, Politics, Deen- Duniyavu, criticism of other organisations etc. I used this opportunity to study their books and observe their life style to analyse whether they are following this very strict principles of Jamaat Islami, made by the founder of Abul Ahla Moududi. I hereby attach my findings on Jamaat Islami as well as some new unfavourable developments in the Muslim Community. InshaAllah, it will be an insight for all INDEPENDENT thinkers who are not be a part of willing to carry out the orders or wishes of another without using their intellectual power. I would like to make it clear that I have no intention to hurt the feeling of anyone through my article and I request you, the readers, to take it as a part of defending the religion of Islam. May Allah bless us, and grant us the strength to excel both here and in the hereafter.
"Dialectical Maududism"
Whether it is globally or locally, Islam urges the people to think from the perspective of Quran and Sunna. There are Muslims (?), saying that 'shariah' is to be modified because it was revealed to the Arabian people (locally?)1400 years ago and a global interpretation of Quran and Sunna are more relevant than local. But being a Muslim, I do believe that Quran is an indisputable revelation of the Creator, Almighty God to the entire people, nevertheless of their caste, sect, sex, colour, race, language, territory etc. So it is totally free from any kind of thinking/considering of locally or globally, instead represents the entire universe.
Allah said in Quran He has sent Messengers to the mankind in all ages to guide the people from evil to right path. Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger to the mankind. Whoever follows him will be benefited and whoever denies him will go to astray. For the success of all human beings both here and in the here after will depend on their true beliefs and practices based on the guidance of Allah and the Sunna of Prophet (peace be upon him).
Prophet (peace be upon him) & Maulana Maududi.
I do believe that every true Muslim in the world not oppose to implement the Islamic law as a jurisprudence of his country because he/she has to believe that Sharia law is the most perfect and suitable for mankind since it is revealed from Allah, the Almighty God. But Muslims differed in many sects with different opinion on how, when and where it should be implemented.
Without any prejudice, if you analyse the Holy Quran and the life of Prophet (peace be upon him) we can understand that first preferences always given to the purification of people in their beliefs and practices. Prophet (peace be upon him) started his 'Dawah' primarily by inviting people to the fundamental principle of Islam i.e. no One worthy to worship but Allah alone and no associate and partner to Him. Apart from this Prophet (peace be upon him) has taught his companions about all major sin to minor sin as well as the most rewardable deed to the least one.
If establishing the kingdom of Allah in the world by removing the unislamic government is an important deed for a Muslim, why did not prophet (peace be upon him), the messenger of Allah, teach the Muslims about it? Instead, many prophets lived and preached the message of Islam (the word meaning itself is PEACE) while living in unislamic ruling existing countries. Even some worked in 'Tagood government' (a Maududi style). For example Prophet Yoosuf alaisalaam was a Minister of a non Muslim ruler, king Walid bin Rayyan.
It is relevant to remember the saying of prophet (peace be upon him)' whoever sought guidance from books other than the Quran, Allah will lead him astray (At-Tirmidhi 2906). This saying should be an insight for all Muslims to evaluate critically about some of our contemporary thinkers who interpreted Quran and Sunna for their worldly benefit by adopting the method of Karal Marx and Shiia.
When the Quaraysh told prophet (peace be upon him); you have brought to your people a matter of worry, you have declared their way of life to be foolish, you have insulted their gods. If what you want is money, we will put together a fortune for you, so that you may be richest of us; if you want honour we will make you our chief, if you want power, we will make you king. Prophet replied to them; "I swear by Allah if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left on condition that I give up my work, I would not abandon it until it becomes victories or I lose my life in its course". If the intention of prophet was establishing the kingdom of Allah he would have accepted the offers of quaraysh. It shows that establishing Kingdom of Allah in the world is not important while comparing to inviting the people to the fundamental principle of Islam i.e. no one worthy to worship but Allah alone.
But it is unfortunate to see that some people are spending their time and energy for establishing the kingdom of Allah/Islamic State, in the world rather than purifying and correcting the people from their deviant beliefs and practices according to the Quran and Sunna. Implementing the Islamic law in the world is absolutely difficult than practising it in our life. But some people think that religion without power is just like some one staying in an imaginary home in the world (Qutubaat page: 408). But in contrary, he, Moulana Moududi also died without constructing such a home in this world and even many prophets were passed away without constructing such a home in this world. It was one of the greatest blunders of Moulana Maududi since many prophets lived in this REAL world without having power. Is it meant that they had lived here without being a true Muslim? MahadaAllah!
"Is congregation of five times prayer for establishing an Islamic state?"
Allah's Apostle said, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration was for Allah and His Apostle. And whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for." (Saheeh Bukhaaree). But see what Maududi said about prayer; congregation of five times prayer in a day is training Muslims to establish a strong Islamic state (Qutubaat page: 203). It means, all Jamahate Islami believers offering their five times prayer with an intention of establishing an Islamic state in his living country. Now my dear readers just compare this Maududism with prophet's (peace be upon him) saying; then you can understand that there is big difference between Prophet's Followers and Maududi's followers. We Muslims are doing our good deeds to get reward from Allah in the life after death. But they are doing it for establishing Islamic state. Let us seek refuge to Allah.
Method of corrupting Islam:
People those who are against Islam always trying to tarnish and corrupt religion both within the community as well as outside the community. But generally they are appearing with a different interpretation and approach to the Quran and Sunna. I hope it is not necessary to discus about the grave worshipers of some name sake Muslims since it may be clear to even ordinary people. But it is quite difficult to understand about such people those who present their deviant pseudo thoughts in the name of Islam with hard literature. They are trying to corrupt the religion by introducing unislamic revolutionary modes of thoughts which in reality is an unpractical solution for the people but leads to the birth of destructive political movements among the Muslims. Moulana Maududi and his organisation, Jamat-e-islami and its offshoots are the best example for this kind. They have been misinterpreted the Quran and Sunna for their political motives and hence, misunderstood by the people that Islam is a politically oriented religion to rule the entire world. They even have changed the pure concept of Thouhid, Ebatha, Elaah, Jihad, etc for the benefit of their deviant pseudo-Islamic thought.
In fact many people accepted the Islam by understanding that it is a religion of PEACE and not a religion to rule the entire world. But unfortunately some Muslim brothers have misconception about even Islam that it is a religion to rule the entire world and hence, they spread this message of 'Hukumate Hilahi' among the Muslims. In reality, enemies using this opportunity to tarnish Islam as a religion of terrorist and intolerance
Secondly, they used to appear among the Muslims as a source of Unity, social service etc for the enrichment of the community. They always so talk active about the importance of unity of Muslims, welfare of Muslims, education of Muslims, political power of Muslims etc rather than unifying the Muslims in the Principles, beliefs and practices based on Quran and Sunna. Apparently, this sort of people are not really working in the course of Allah but helping the course of enemies to malign Islam. Islam is calumniated in its true beliefs and practices by such people. They are like the one who are trying to construct building without foundation and hence, leaving the Muslims as leather floating in the water.
Recently, due to the influence of the term 'modernisation', some Muslims leaders have been taken a new way of approach while understanding and interpreting Quran and Sunna. They claim that understanding of Quran and Sunna can be used timely according to the demand of the particular situation and hence, methodology of Sahaba, the companions of Prophet (peace be upon him) is not a requisite for understanding and interpreting Quran and Sunna. They might have felt inferior to say that we Muslims are still following the orthodox principles, beliefs and practices taught by a man, named Mohammed(peace be upon him) 1400 years back in Arabia (Alhamdulillah it is not outdated but still modernised). I would like to alert them that Allah the Creator of each and every thing, can foreknow, foresee, hear and more over He is free from the influence of time and space continuum. Due to the influence of this modern phenomenon, they have deviated from the methodology of the 'people of best nation' as Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned them and attracted to experiment modern approaches in Islam like Islamic Feminism, woman reading of Quran, Consensus of Public interest in Dawah (preaching), Rereading of Tauhid (Islamic Monotheism), Global Interpretation of Quran, Political campaign in the name of Islam, social Movements against Imperialism, Civil Rights movement, movement against exploiting natural resources etc
The most pertinent and the same time most disturbing aspect of this people is that they are so arrogant towards the Muslims, who are trying to follow strictly Quran and Sunna, than Atheist, pagans and others. They are very much cooperative and work together shoulder to shoulder with the enemies of Islam. Let me add some of the recent approaches of this people towards Islam to understand their stand in the course of Allah.
1. Rereading of Tawheed: According to the demand of changing world, rereading of Tawheed (monotheism) is to be done. It was from a program in Asianet, named 'Shahariyath' organised by Jamaat Islami and its offshoot ICC. It shows how far they are from the teaching of Prophet Mohammed salallahu alaiwasallam and the main stream of Islam. A Muslim should not think so since Tawheed is the core of Islam. It seems to be a blind imitation of the contemporary thinkers like Amina Wadud who used to claim that rereading of Quran should be done in the perspective of women as it was done in the perspective of men. They added that the major sin in the contemporary world is the exploitation of nature. But, according to Islam, the major sin is shirk (associating partners with Allah). See how far they are from the Aqeedah (creed) and Manhaj (methodology) of Muslims. Verily, all the Messengers began their call with Tawheed, which they were commanded by Allah to convey it to the people. He, the Most High, said:
We have not sent before you from the Messengers, except We inspired to him that He is the only One worthy of worship, so worship Him. [21:25]
2. Celebration of Onam (organised in a great manner in ICC, Abu Dhabi), praising of disbelievers, cooperating with them in Shirk (given sent off for the pilgrims to Shabarimala) etc are some of the example for their deviations from the Islam.
3. One Mr. Vanidas Elayavoor appeared in a Television channel for an interview during the last Ramadan programme, who has written books on Islam and published by IPH kerala (a Jamahate Islami publication wing). During the said interview, he expressed his deep grievance on lack of harmony between Muslims and Hindus. He recollected the great (?) harmony of Muslims and Hindus by quoting Mughal emperor Akber and SamuthiriRaja Kozhicode. He said, during that period, people were so cooperative each other in their rituals and religious ceremony. Hindus would not have started their rituals in temple until Moulavees from mosque could reach in temple and vice versa. Now such good harmony between Muslims and Hindus are not seen because some people put poison and polluted this communal harmony. Definitely I can say that it was not done by his companions i.e. Jamaat Islami and its offshoots because they are not either teaching nor practising the true principles, beliefs and practices of Islam to people instead wasting their time and energy. This same person Mr. V.E has been delivered many speeches for Jamaat Islami, KMCC and others and used to request to the audience to pray for him to get Hidhayath (straight path). SubhanaAllah!! Anyway, he has chosen a right resort for his business that is 'JAMAAT ISLAMI HIND'.
4. Buy 5 sandwiches & get one COLA free:
Please do not misunderstand that it is an advertisement given by a non Muslim or a Mujahid or a Samastha Sunni for the promotion of COCA COLA but it is done by a Jamahate Islami activist. There is nothing concern to a Muslim since he may not see anything wrong in this advertisement but according to jamahat Islami it is just like giving the sovereignty of Allah to Coca Cola Company. As we understood, recently they have led a strong social movement against Coca Cola Company in Plachimada in Kerala and claimed that they have recaptured the sovereignty of water from coca cola Company for Allah. They have oversimplified Allah by doing so. SubuhanaAllah! Later, they have been trying to clear the accusation against supporting Communist party in Kerala election as saying that it's because of their strong agitation towards imperialism of America. I would like to ask to Jamaat Islami, when did you give back the sovereignty of water to Coca Cola Company from Allah? Is it also recaptured from Allah or you got any message from Allah?!! 'PARADOX is it not your name JAMAAT ISLAMI'!! (Vyruthyame Ninte Perallayo 'JAMAAT ISLAMI')
Miserable condition of Jama'at Islami:
After reading the so called questions of Jamaat Islami activists, I remembered one story of a scholar & boater. During the boating in the sea, scholar was asking many critical questions to the boater. The boater, the poor man, couldn't answer to the egotistic and confusing question of the scholar. Then scholar said to the boater, after first question, "your one-fourth part of the life has gone" Boater couldn't answer to the second and third question of the scholar. Then scholar said, "Your two-fourth and three-fourth part of the life has gone" But before asking the fourth question, the boater asked one simple question to the scholar; do you know swimming? Scholar, the lofty man, said NO! Then boater said, "Your full life has gone because the boat is going to sink". Our jamaat Islami brothers are just like the said scholar in the story. They are asking lot of questions to confuse the people. But unfortunately they don't know the most important answer of a question in Islam i.e. "HOW TO SWIM TO ESCAPE FROM THE HELL FIRE".
What is to be done by a Muslim?
Muslim should avoid all kind of bias to any particular organization but we should well aware that we believe in the true Islam. It is very clear from the Quran that there are two groups in the world, one is the group of Allah and other is the Shaytâan (devils). The Quran says:-
Al-A'raf - 7:30
A group He has guided, and a group deserved to be in error; (because) surely they took the Shayâtin (devils) as Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers) instead of Allâh, and consider that they are guided. (Al-A'raf 7:30)
Prophet (peace be upon him) also said Muslims will divide as 73 groups but only one will remain with following the Quran and Sunna. So we must try to be in the group of Allah. As prophet (peace be upon him) said if there is any dispute between Muslims, return the matter to Quran and his Sunna.
Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups is a waste of time and energy, is in fact total contradiction to Quran and Sunna. See what Allah says in Quran, In Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 Allah says "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil" Commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evil.
So let us invite the people to a common plat form i.e. no one worthy to worship but Allah alone and unite them in one banner and hence, to achieve a peaceful life here and in the here after. It is the duty of each and every Muslim to convey this message of true Islam to the entire people and those who introduce heretical writings and deviant religious rites contrary to Quran and Sunna have to be exposed.
Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from their attacks is a collective obligation, if Allah did not bring up some people to oppose the innovators, and then the religion would suffer harm, corruption and deviation. Indeed this type of corruption is even greater than the corruption resulting from the corruption of the disbelievers conquering the Muslims. Since when the unbelievers conquer the Muslims, they do not corrupt their hearts, or their religion, except after some time. But the innovators corrupt the hearts from the very beginning. So we must be always very much concerned and vigilant about these types of un- Islamic thoughts and practices. Allah knows better
And say: "My Lord! I seek refuge with You from the whisperings (suggestions) of the Shayâtin (devils). (Al-Mu'minun 23:97)
May Allah help us to abstain from all innovations which ultimately lead to astray. May Allah bless us and shows us with the straight path. May Allah strengthen us with USEFUL wisdom and knowledge and forgive our all mistakes. Aameen.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after