Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Beard doesn’t harm

Asaalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be upon you all,
Sub: Does a beard harm people?!!!
It is distressful that some people are getting annoyed after seeing a Muslim with long beard. The Media has set the mind of these people so rigid to think that the long beard is a symbol of a terrorist. Alas!! Does a beard can harm people?!! A Muslim with a long beard always inspected with extra care. Why? Is it possible to make a bomb with beard? Or were those who rained bombs in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine bearded people? The most notorious dictators in the history of the world were beardless. Sikhs are widely enjoying this individual/religious right without facing any questions.
The long beard of a scientist often considered as a symbol of his intellectual orientation, as well as pastor with a beard is seen as a pious person etc. It is nothing but people's prejudiced and hatred mind towards Muslims and Islam.
Media propaganda
Islam, in terms of its beliefs and practices, is a threat to all capitalistic countries since Islam strictly prohibits prostitution, drugs, adultery, lesbian, homosexual, lottery, alcohol, abortion, interest etc which is one of the inevitable features of every capitalistic country. They gradually realised this fact that if people accept Islam it will be a threat for their existence and hence, trying to tarnish Islam through their media as a terrorist religion. Through this sort of propaganda they are trying to create misconception about Islam to prevent people from accepting it. But they can not put off the light of this true religion as Allah says in Qur'an:
And say: "Truth (i.e. Islamic Monotheism or this Qur'ân) has come and falsehood (i.e. Satan or polytheism, etc.) has vanished. Surely! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
I am not overlooking the reality that some sects among the Muslims are responsible to spread extremism in the world and they have led to the birth of destructive political movements, as well as promoting un-Islamic revolutionary modes of thought among the Muslims. Those who criticise Islam, often doing it at the cost of anti social activities and unIslamic practices of some name sake Muslims but in reality We Muslims never blame the religion when Hindus, Christians, Jews, or Sikhs do any wrong. It is despicable to call a terrorist who bears a name of Muslim as ‘Islamic terrorist’. We Muslims do not call Hitler a Christian terrorist even as he was a Christian and killed millions of Jews. We do not call the Americans who put atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed millions of innocent people ‘Christian terrorists’, even as the men who bombed were Christians by religion. We do not call anyone a Hindu terrorist even when some of them have killed innocent Christians and Muslims in India during riots etc. So, why this tag on Muslims?
So, before blaming a religion we must see the authentic source of that particular religion instead of looking to the activities of its followers. The authentic sources of Islam are the Holy Qur'an and the Sunna of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him).
Quran says:” Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful admonition, and argue with them in ways that are better." [Sooratun-Nahl 16:125]
With the prayers for the peaceful life here and in the here after
Mammedutty Nilambur

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

"Greeting with Salaam (Peace); should be discouraged or promoted?"

Assalamu alaikum, May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on all of you,
Sub: "Greeting with Salaam (Peace); should be discouraged or promoted?"
It is a general practice among people to express greetings upon meeting someone or wish each other. Wishing is a specific expression of feeling of someone who exchanges it according to the demand of the situation. In short, any wish, greeting or salutation should be done according to the specific circumstances.
React to in a certain way always depend upon the way of thought and principles of life of the person. Some greetings or salutations are not fit for every situation as per the logic. For example good morning, good after noon etc is not suitable for people who suffering by the loss of wealth, health or beloved one.
But the greeting of Islam, 'assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you', without question and beyond doubt suit for any situation nevertheless of time, loss, troubles, casualty, happiness, stress, tension, anxiety etc. Because of this reason we Muslims greet people with this extraordinary salutation "ASSALAMU ALAIKUM- May peace and mercy of Allah, the Almighty God be on you"
Greeting of Jesus (peace be upon him) according to Bible
It is not only a practice of Muslims but also was a practice of Jesus (peace be upon him) who greeted his disciples with "Shalom Aleichem" in Hebrew- peace be with you, quite similar in Arabic as Assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you. This same greeting of Islam can be seen in John 20:21 (New International Version) Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
It is also stated that one should give the Salaam greeting upon entering a house, even if the house is empty. This is based upon the verse of the Qur'an (al-Noor 24:61) "But when you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from Allaah (i.e. say: As‑Salaamu ‘Alaykum — peace be on you), blessed and good." and similar verses you can see in Bible, Luke 10:5,6 (New International Version) "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house. If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. But unfortunately, the so called followers of Jesus Christ, Christians, given up this practice as they gave up many practices like circumcision (Luke 2:21), prohibition of taking interest/Usury (Exodus 22:25 ), eating Pork (Leviticus 11:6-8), keeping beard (Leviticus 19:27) etc
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made spreading salaam a part of faith, Al-Bukhaari (12, 28 and 6236). Ibn Hibbaan (505) narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar that a man asked the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “What is the best thing in Islam?” He said, “Feeding others and giving the greeting of salaam to those whom you know and those whom you do not know.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained that this salaam spreads love and brotherhood. Muslim (54), Ahmad (2/391), and al-Tirmidhi (2513) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you about something which, if you do it, you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves.”
So my brothers and Sisters in humanity, you should not either hesitate or discourage people from greeting Salaam "ASSALAMU ALAIKUM" but should promote it as Prophets Mohammed, Jesus (peace be upon them) has done by giving a better reply "wa alaikum al salaam wa rahmadullahi wa barakaathuhu - be on you the peace, mercy and blessing of Allah, the Almighty God".
Mammedutty Nilambur